Think Better. Feel Better. Work Better.

Invest in Brain Skills Training

Optimise Brain Performance


Think Better. Feel Better. Work Better. 

Invest in Brain Skills Training


Optimise Brain Performance





Health Professionals


Understanding brain health

We need a healthy brain to think better, feel better, solve problems, make decisions and enjoy life.
Brain health or brain wellness focuses on mental health, emotional well-being and cognitive health. 

Memorabilty®’s brain health solutions include:

Improving brain skills for healthier living
 which we need to cope with stress and learn to thrive such as memory, empathy, creativity and calm. These are essential for better health, better relationships and better leadership.
Reducing the risk of brain illnesses

such as Alzheimer’s disease, depression, anxiety and stroke.

Keeping the brain tissue healthy

by promoting healthy habits such as better sleep, regular exercise and healthier food choices.

Founder | Neurologist | Brain Health Consultant

Founder | Neurologist | Brain Health Consultant

Dr. Kirti Ranchod

Global Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health
Co-Founder & Chair: Africa Brain Health Network (2018 – 2023)
Board Member Alzheimer’s South Africa (2019 – 2022)

‘Content has been carefully designed to motivate behaviour change and self-development by encouraging self-awareness, self-efficacy and self-acceptance.’

Dr Kirti Ranchod
Neurologist; Senior Atlantic Fellow
Founder of Memorability®


TEDx Johannesburg

Connecting Cultural Wealth and Better Brain Health


Breakthrough in early Alzheimer’s treatment

Business Day

Why music hits all the right notes


Masterclass with Relebogile Mabotja


Masterclass on Neuroplasticity Part 2


Weekend Breakfast with Gugs Mhlungu

The African Pre-seed Podcast

Brain Skills and Mental Health for Founders


A Neurologist’s Tips for an Elite Brain

The Daily Maverick

Why are we attracted to some art but not others?

The Daily Maverick

Investing in improved brain health is critical for a future-proof society

On the blog

Making Mindfulness Work for You

On mindfulness and traditional forms of mindfulness Our lives can either be an expression of joy or an expression of discontent; it depends on the content of the mind. Swami Satyananda Saraswati Meditation, mindfulness or relaxation techniques can have a an incredible...

Food, Mood and Memory

Understanding the impact of sugar and fat Knowledge is of no value unless it is put into practice. Anton Chekov We are all aware that what we eat has changed over the years. Foods that we used to eat as treats or when we were celebrating, have now become part of our...

Understanding Brain Health

Transforming neuroscience into practical and effective tools to support brain health Individual health is linked to our communities, societies and environment. This is not a new vision of health but is a vision shared for centuries by many traditional indigenous...


Mental Wellness Walkabouts: Origins Centre, Wits University, Johannesburg

17 FEBRUARY 2024

23 MARCH 2024

20 APRIL 2024

Brain Health Perspectives 2024


Brain Health Perspectives 2023



Here I learned that CALM is a brain skill that I can develop.

The course has asked much attention and reflection from me. It was so worth it.

I enjoyed how practical the advice was that Dr Kirti provided.

I learnt how powerful the human brain is and it is possible to feel calm through the stress.


7 Steps for Igniting the Brain Capital Industrial Strategy

The focus of this series of talks is what we have within our cultures and traditions which support health. Sponsored by The DANA Foundation

How Brain Capital Can Drive Progress on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Initiated by REMI East Africa in Uganda to provide healthcare workers with tools to support better mental health.

Transcending Global Health Dogma

Global (and local) health-care systems must embrace people who are often ignored, their words, and their thought systems, in theory, method, and intervention.

Sleep & Brain Health

Sleep may be one of the simplest measures we can use to improve health. This is becoming more important as insomnia and other sleep disorders are increasing globally.

Chronic Stress: Neuroscience & Practical Coping Strategies

Stress also affects our ability to think, remember and to solve problems, all of which are necessary to navigate a crisis.

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